Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Your love for me is imperishable.

okay so.
senior year in high school right?
you would think it would be freakin awesome.
yet its not. the school work part of it is. but
nothing seems to be going how i want it to.
i guess thats my fault for not wanting what
God wants for me to do. i dont know. sometimes
its really really really hard to say no to the
worldly things that look so good and that you
really want. its like milkyways for me lol
they look freakin delicious from the outside
but then you bite in and you know youve made
a big mistake. ha (milkyways are so gross!)
it seems like ive been constantly
fighting with my family lately too. i just dont
agree with a lot of what my parents think and
believe. they stress me out so much. sometimes
to the point where i just want to leave. even
if its for 10 minutes. just to get away from
them griping and bickering at me all the time
about the stupidest stuff because they are
stressed out. i guess they need someone to take
it out on though. we all do sometimes.
this sounds dumb i know but my "love life"
isnt that great either. ill leave it at that.
my job... well my manager freakin sucks
sometimes. suzanne hired 6 more people to wait
tables when no one is getting enough shifts as it is.
i am working about 2 - 3 days a week working
up front. i dont see why she hires more people
when there are people already there waiting to
wait tables. gah!

this wasnt meant to be a depressing or sad blog. ha
my mind started going and my fingers went with it.

1 comment:

Kris said...

i'm sorry your senior year isn't starting off so great.
give it time, though.
things will work out, i promise. : ]

if you ever need me, i'm always here.
