Sunday, September 28, 2008

patience is growing thick.

time is everything.
if your not ahead, your behind.
seems like we're always waiting on something.
to go somewhere.
to leave.
maybe just for something to happen.
were never in the moment.
"when will this ever end?"
"when will i get what i want?"
"when will he realize im what he is looking for?"
"when will this begin?"
give or take it, our lives are consumed by it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Your love for me is imperishable.

okay so.
senior year in high school right?
you would think it would be freakin awesome.
yet its not. the school work part of it is. but
nothing seems to be going how i want it to.
i guess thats my fault for not wanting what
God wants for me to do. i dont know. sometimes
its really really really hard to say no to the
worldly things that look so good and that you
really want. its like milkyways for me lol
they look freakin delicious from the outside
but then you bite in and you know youve made
a big mistake. ha (milkyways are so gross!)
it seems like ive been constantly
fighting with my family lately too. i just dont
agree with a lot of what my parents think and
believe. they stress me out so much. sometimes
to the point where i just want to leave. even
if its for 10 minutes. just to get away from
them griping and bickering at me all the time
about the stupidest stuff because they are
stressed out. i guess they need someone to take
it out on though. we all do sometimes.
this sounds dumb i know but my "love life"
isnt that great either. ill leave it at that.
my job... well my manager freakin sucks
sometimes. suzanne hired 6 more people to wait
tables when no one is getting enough shifts as it is.
i am working about 2 - 3 days a week working
up front. i dont see why she hires more people
when there are people already there waiting to
wait tables. gah!

this wasnt meant to be a depressing or sad blog. ha
my mind started going and my fingers went with it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

my heart is happy : )

now i cant wait to get my life started.
senior year is going to rock.
i turn 18 in 6 months!
ALL my friends just graduated,
that kinda sucks lol
but i will stay optimistic and find
some new ones ha
im going to stop caring so much
about what other people think
because it REALLY doesnt
matter ha i cant wait to have
homework again ... and a busy
schedule ... wierd i know but
whatev. my bubba comes home
in about 5 months : ) he was
promoted to crew chief! YAY
he needs prayer though.
im still not waitress. GRRRRRR
oh well ... i will be patient.
starting a new diet. not to lose weight!
i know im not fat ... just to be healthy
thats all.
well thats my life right now. ha
well almost. lol

my heart is happy. : )

Friday, June 27, 2008


as i get older ...
summer starts to suck ... a lot!
there is nothing to do and when there is
its usually in denton or
requires using gas. so basically i run,
and then sit around the house all day untill
i have to go to work. ha (i have no life ... basically)
so save me from my misery and give me
something to do!
now that im done complaining ...
im in a show in denton, its called
"Lil' Abner" ha it is really cute and i
cant wait till opening night!
heres a little story for you:
i come home from work one night and chance
(my dog) comes and greets my like usual.
i end up petting him for like 20 minutes lol
then i go to the kitchen and grab something to
eat and then i head off to bed. well chance is
laying in the family room and i walk by him to
say goodnight and bend over to give him
a goodnight pet ha and all of a sudden he snaps
at me and starts barking at me! it scared me half to
death! since then he has been mad at me and
wont let me pet him or anything.

i dont really know why i just told you
that. oh well. ha
so anyway ... i love God. i love my job.
and i love myself. THE END

Monday, May 26, 2008

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud. It is not rude, it is
not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Monday, April 14, 2008

Greatest day in history!

death was beaten, You have rescued me!

sing it out! Jesus is alive!

empty cross, empty grave.

life eternal You have won the day!

shout it out Jesus is alive!

and Oh happy day!

happy day!

You washed my sin away!

and Oh happy day

happy day!

ill never be the same!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

who ya gonna call? not the G.B.'s!

have you ever put yourself in a position that you thought would turn out fine and then come to find out that your really dumb for thinking that and now you wish you hadnt!
okay well thats totally what happened to me!
i agreed to go to prom with one of my friends ... friends is what i thought we were ...
well now he wants to be more than friends and i dont! gah! haha boys are dumb.
now its going to be awkward and i dont want to go with him. i know it sounds bad,
but i just dont want him to get the wrong idea. dumb highschool drama. BLAH
anyway ...
10-12th: Cottey College
18-21st: Branson, Missouri for band trip
(yes, i am going to missouri twice in 2 weeks)
May 17th : prom at the dallas aquarium
May 30th : last day of school!
then im a senior! (thats weird)