Monday, April 14, 2008

Greatest day in history!

death was beaten, You have rescued me!

sing it out! Jesus is alive!

empty cross, empty grave.

life eternal You have won the day!

shout it out Jesus is alive!

and Oh happy day!

happy day!

You washed my sin away!

and Oh happy day

happy day!

ill never be the same!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

who ya gonna call? not the G.B.'s!

have you ever put yourself in a position that you thought would turn out fine and then come to find out that your really dumb for thinking that and now you wish you hadnt!
okay well thats totally what happened to me!
i agreed to go to prom with one of my friends ... friends is what i thought we were ...
well now he wants to be more than friends and i dont! gah! haha boys are dumb.
now its going to be awkward and i dont want to go with him. i know it sounds bad,
but i just dont want him to get the wrong idea. dumb highschool drama. BLAH
anyway ...
10-12th: Cottey College
18-21st: Branson, Missouri for band trip
(yes, i am going to missouri twice in 2 weeks)
May 17th : prom at the dallas aquarium
May 30th : last day of school!
then im a senior! (thats weird)